Path Edging And A Few Odd Jobs

After our fence was blown down in the gales last week, I had to wait until it was fixed by our lovely neighbour before I could continue with my new vegetable patch.

In the mean time I caught up with a few little jobs that I hadn’t quite got around to:

I first labled my homemade wine:

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I then finally sorted the basil that had been hanging in my kitchen drying for ages:

  In the summer my dad gave me a pot of basil from the supermarket and as I didn’t use it up I hung it in my kitchen to dry.  After a couple of weeks I transferred it into a paper bag so the bits didn’t go everywhere as it dried:

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The result was lovely dried basil, which I crunched between my fingers to remove the big stems and then I passed it through a seive to remove any remaining twigs:

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As there was only a small amount of dried basil I just topped up the jar of shop brought basil I had in my pantry:


I also then turned my attention to Christmas and made sure that I had everything I needed for my Christmas presents. I only had the odd thing to buy as I tend to buy presents through out the year, either in the sales or if I find something unusual that I know someone would like.

After this I sat down with some lovely Christmas music in the back ground and wrote all my cards.  I like to take my time to do this as I have a few people that I only write to once a year, so I like to tell them what has been happening in our lifes:


And finally I sliced an orange to dry, ready for my Christmas decorations. I arranged the slices on a piece of greaseproof paper over my radiator and I find they dry in a week or two without needing to put them in the oven.  I usually put a little hole in each one when they are nearly dry so I can thread some wire or ribbon through it.

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I absolutely love to see dried oranges around the house at Christmas.  The photo below shows the arrangement I made last year for our mantle piece:

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I was pleased to say that our lovely neighbour finished fixing our fence at the weekend and we now have some concrete posts that have been cemented into the ground, to strengthen our fence.  Hopefully this will withstand any further gales we have:

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So I removed the rubble from the old concrete and took it to the tip and then I had a general garden tidy, clearing away the bits and bobs I had laying around.  You can also see in the photo above that I put my old chair back in to position ready for next summer too:


It’s funny what gets dug up when you have work done in your garden isn’t it…..I found a ‘pig with wings’ that I had completely forgotten about, which must be thirteen years old!….I’ve got to be honest I don’t know how or even why I have him, but I’m sure I’ll find a place somewhere for him to go.



So now the fence was complete I could carry on with my new vegetable patch:

The ground wasn’t very level as I had dumped the old grass in a pile when I laid my new lawn in September, so I had to move that before I could start.  I had covered the grass with weed suppressant back in September to kill it, so I just spread it over my new area and I will just dig this into the soil for now and it will probably be rotted away completely by Spring time:


I had already decided to have wood chip paths inbetween my new beds, as this would be cheaper than buying slabs.  However, I needed something to stop the woodchips from spreading into my beds… I brought some wood sawn treated timber to edge the beds and I set about making them:

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I have quite simply screwed them together using corner braces and screwed on bits of wood to secure them into the soil.

I didn’t think there was a need to have raised beds as the soil I have is good and it would just be a waste of money to ship in top soil.

I then forked over the area where the first edging was going to sit, removing any weeds as I dug and then I fitted the first edging making sure it sat level and in the right place:


I then fitted the next edging and repeated the above to make a third bed too:

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And that is as far as I’ve managed to get this week.

I have two more beds to complete and unfortunately for Mr Thrift, I have three or four more slabs to lay next week (so I need to sweet talk him into helping me again).


I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog today.  I will be back next Friday as usual.

Have a great week!

9 thoughts on “Path Edging And A Few Odd Jobs

  1. You have been incredibly busy again! You put me to shame. I particularly like your idea of drying orange slices, and should imagine the house smells wonderful whilst they are drying. I will be trying this, thank you. Your mantlepiece arrangement last year was very pretty.

    Your comment about not needing top soil reminded me of an interesting point that I read recently which was to be careful about importing top soil because of Japanese Knotweed!

    I am hoping to get my cards written over the next few days too, December is always so busy.

  2. Its lovely to get your fence done, the beds are looking great, the woodchip will give it a more natural feel at least if you want to change things again it wont be difficult. I had hoped to write my cards this weekend, but the room we are painting has proved to be a problem, hubby wanted a red wall in there, five coats later I think it is ok! It has doubled the cost which has been annoying. Do have a good week.

  3. Its all looking good now your fence is repaired .Just in time for the next storm! They sound like lovely neighbours,It is so rewarding to have good ones.The ones ajoining us have been brilliant ,they even invited my son round to watch when they had some fireworks. We take parcels in for us & we do they same as I’m in most of they day when they are at work. Its nice to have that balance-not gossipy -just there if you need each other.Your beds are looking great -its been grey & grim here for most of the week so I haven’t done anything about the bean poles yet .They are looking a bit ragged but I have more pressing things to do this week…like think about Christmas!!!.My younger daughter(22) is training for be a member of cabin crew for Flybe she’s been away for 2 weeks so came home the weekend with her washing & full of exciting stories of her training.My son (33) cut his hand badly across the palm very deeply with a power tool so I’ve had a bit of stress this week…….& I didnt even see it before it was bandaged ….when you’re a Mum it goes with the job description I think.worrying Do you find you worry about your girls ? With my basil pot ive not got as much patience as you so as soon as it get tired & droopy looking I cut it off put it in a zip-lock bag ,put in the freezer & next day scrumple it up to break it down and instant ‘chopped ‘basil to use in my Italian dishes/tomato sauce when needed. .Loving your orange slices I like a nice natural Christmas theme lots of pine ,cones,holly,ivy & mistletoe.
    Have a good week
    Carrie xx

    • Oh dear that injury sounds nasty. I remember when I was pregnant with my eldest daughter, an old chap made polite coversation on a bus with me and my husband and looked at my stomach and said “the first 50 years are the worse” and I remember this everytime i’m worrying about my girls lol. Great idea about freezing the basil, I do this with parsley but I don’t know why i don’t with basil…I must next time. Have a great week Carriet

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