How We Celebrated Halloween and Pumpkin Week Continued

I’m really pleased as the BBC has published my recipes on their website.  The recipes are the ones I cooked in their kitchen, live on air, on Tuesday.

You can read them here  (below the picture of Jim Davis).


Yesterday (Halloween), I spent the whole day preparing for the evening.

I decorated our front room and hallway and put our pumpkin on the doorstep ready for later.

I also made one hundred cupcakes ready for the children that would come ‘Trick or Treating’.

I managed to get some cheap Halloween cake cases and I made fairy cakes and decorated them with icing that had food colouring mixed in.  I used sprinkles and plastic spiders, etc to decorate them.

We all dressed up for the evening and used our face paints to paint our faces.

I bought these face paints when the girls were toddlers and they have lasted all these years and they are still good.


We had a lovely Halloween meal of Pumpkin lasagne, salad and potato wedges.

I then followed this with Pumpkin and Orange muffins (the recipe will be on my blog tomorrow), Halloween cup cakes,

And finally ‘Witches Fingers’ Jelly.

The children that knocked at our door, all seemed impressed with the cakes.  However, we were absolutely amazed, as all of the one hundred cakes went in just one hour!  I just can’t believe how many children knocked at our door in such a short time.  They were all polite and grateful for them though.

After this, we brought our pumpkin in and switched off the lights at the front of the house, to let people know not to knock.

My youngest daughter had prepared a Halloween quiz for us and some Halloween games for us to play.  One of which was bobbing apples.

Just in case some readers from abroad haven’t heard of bobbing apples, this is where you have to pick up an apple from a bowl of water using just your mouth.  We had fun doing this.

We finished off the evening with a ‘spooky story’ that I had downloaded from the internet for free.


Pumpkin Week Continued:

To continue with our ‘Pumpkin Week’, below I’ve written another recipe to use up the pumpkin that you have scooped out of your Halloween pumpkin.

Don’t forget that your pumpkin can be frozen to use later on in the year.


Pumpkin Lasagne Recipe

Spaghetti Bolognaise sauce (you can find the recipe here)

6-8 sheets of lasagne

600 grams raw pumpkin

Half a pint of white sauce (make the same sauce as here, but omit the parsley)

Enough cheese to sprinkle on top.


Preheat the oven Gas 6 / 204C / 400F

Pre-cook the lasagne in boiling water for 10 minutes.

Cook the pumpkin for a few minutes until soft and drain all the water.  Gently press some of the water out with a fork.

Make a white sauce.

Put half of the pre-made spaghetti bolognaise sauce in the bottom of a dish.

Put half the pumpkin over the bolognaise sauce.

Layer half of the lasagne sheets over the pumpkin and then cover with half of the white sauce.

Repeat the above three steps.

Sprinkle with cheese.

Cook in the oven for 25 minutes.


Thank you for reading my blog.

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